Boost Lite product for search engine optimization for your company products and services which includes mobile app ,virtual mobile number and auto updation to social media with live analytics as digital marketing platform.which will give better ranking in google with multiple keywords. You are now one step closer to building an awesome online presence. It allows you to reach millions of customers who are looking for products and services. All you have to do is to write a line or two, along with an image daily on your Laptech website and we will make sure that everyone who is looking for your services sees this.
According to Google, 50% of all customers look online before they buy a product / book a service from your company. Considering this, it makes sense that your company's location shows up when someone looks for the product/Services that you provide. Laptech Services based an automated discovery system helps companies like yours make sure that if a customer searches for a product/service, your company's location and other product or service details show up.This, in turn, has helped companies increase their revenue by up to 40%.
We enables businesses to get an online presence which is highly discoverable, by simply using a Mobile App or SMS. This website can be instantly updated at any time with little effort. Laptech Services ensures highest discoverability through intelligent Search Engine Optimization (SEO), one of which is Location-Based-SEO™. Laptech website allows the website visitors to contact the business owner directly via ‘Talk-To-Business’ feature and become potential leads.